Home » 2001 Cross Country Road Trip

Home, NJ

Sunday, August 5, 2001 - 9:00am by Lolo
435 miles and 8 hours from our last stop - 1 night stay


We'd covered a lot of ground over the last 3 1/2 weeks -- probably too much ground--and learned a lot--sometimes the hard way. Too many miles with too few multi-day stops is a sure recipe for trip fatigue. Still, the trip was great and we'd gotten to visit some truly spectacular places. However, next time we'll slow down and stop to sniff the roses.


Our home in Upper Saddle River, a suburb of New York City.

lin on August 13, 2011

what a fantastic journey, loved reading every page thank you lin

Herb on August 16, 2011

Thanks for your comment Lin. It's good to hear that our efforts are appreciated. Safe travels.

Jim on May 7, 2013

I know my threats are over a decade too late, but if you guys don't slow down, I'm going to stop reading this.
It's just not a vacation if you are screaming thru the world with your hair on fire the whole time!

Herb on May 9, 2013

Keep reading Jim,

I can assure you that after this trip we finally figured it out, and took a slightly more sane approach to our future travels.

Jim on May 9, 2013

Ya, I know, I am a decade behind the times. I will keep reading, and I will get there.

I don't skip ahead in a book either.

Very much enjoying your blog!


Home location map in "high definition"
