Home » 1999 Cross Country Road Trip

Home, NJ

Wednesday, August 11, 1999 - 11:00am by Lolo
627 miles and 11 hours from our last stop - 1 night stay


Ten more hours and we were finally home. Everything seemed so different. After the wide expanses of the west and the plains where the views went for miles and miles, everything seemed so small and closed in. The colors were so different as well. Gone were the yellows and pinks of the desert. Here everything was so green and lush--and unfortunately so humid.

However, as great as it is to travel, it's always a good feeling to be home again. It's the contrasts that make things so interesting.

Too bad our homecoming couldn't have been under happier circumstances.


Our home in Upper Saddle River, a suburb of New York City.

Home location map in "high definition"
