Home » 2023 Utah Off-Road

Delta, UT

Sunday, September 10, 2023 - 8:15pm by Lolo
96 miles and 1.5 hours from our last stop - 1 night stay


Herb sad that he missed Burning ManHerb sad that he missed Burning ManWe didn’t want to drive too much further today, as it was already after 2:00 pm, so we set our sights on the little town of Delta about an hour and a half more on US 50 into Utah. Although US 50 in Utah is no longer referred to as the “Loneliest Road,” it was still pretty lonely. There was nothing in between Great Basin and Delta.

Actually, I take that back. Herb managed to find an empty playa (dried up Sevier Lake) and got off US 50 to take a dirt road down to it. He was tempted to drive out onto it, but it was a little muddy mushy from the recent rains, and I didn’t want to do what happened to vehicles a few weeks back at Burning Man.

Sevier PlayaSevier PlayaInstead, he satisfied himself with walking out onto it. I kidded that this might be a way for him to work out his grief over missing Burning Man. He was not amused.

I enjoy a good playa as well, so I joined him.

As we entered the town of Delta, Utah, we began looking for a place to stay. I yelled to Herb to turn the car around and drive back a short distance. I told him I found the perfect place. He was also not amused when I pointed at the Delta Schitt’s Creek motel. Hahahaha

HahahahaHahahahaStaying there would have been worth it, just to tell the kids.

Instead, we stayed at a Days Inn Wyndham, which was pretty nice. Plus, it was a short walk from our hotel to Taco Shop El Jalisciense, where I had a really good quesadilla.

From Delta, it was just a little over 3 hours to Goblin Valley. Perfect!

Delta location map in "high definition"
