Home » 2011 Cross Country Road Trip

Brother's house in Columbus, OH

Monday, August 1, 2011 - 1:45pm by Herb
375 miles and 6.5 hours from our last stop - 1 night stay


It's always fun to stop over at my brother-in-laws on the way back from a west coast RV trip. Usually we have a full family, but this was the first time as a solo traveler. Jim and his wife Bev are always gracious hosts, and I knew I would feel comfortable as always in their home.

In previous trips, we have always had permission to park the RV in a nearby Krogers parking lot, and then Jim would shuttle us to his residence. This was done to avoid any issues with the zoning regulations that are pretty strict for the houses on the golf course.

This time, however, we were denied overnight parking at the Krogers. Undaunted, I suggested to Jim that I could safely navigate his circular driveway and tuck in on the side of his house. The RV would be hardly visible from the 9th green, and I assured him that I would be back on the road before 9:00 the next morning. To my surprise, he agreed to give it a shot. With his direction I was quickly parked in his driveway and able to shower and change in time for evening glass of wine.

Dinner and conversation were great as always, and it was good to sleep in a real bed after 2 weeks in the camper.


My brother's home in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio

Brother's house in Columbus location map in "high definition"
