Home » 2021 Utah Off-Roading

Bishop, CA

Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 5:45pm by Lolo
400 miles and 8 hours from our last stop - 4 night stay


As I mentioned in the previous stop, we decided while lunching in Hurricane to drive the estimated 6 ½ hours to Andrew and Celeste's (our son and daughter-in-law) house Bishop. However, as I also mentioned, that lovely lunchtime breeze was gaining some steam and no longer so lovely.

For our entire drive, we had to deal with gusting winds up to 50 mph, strong enough to move trailers and trucks in and out of their lanes. Not exactly relaxing.

We took some roads we hadn’t been on before that were pretty cool as we skirted the northern boundary of Death Valley and climbed up and down over the White Mountains. Finally around 8:30, well over our original ETA, we arrived.

Our other son Tommy and his fiancée Erin would be arriving the following night. Nothing makes me happier than having the whole gang together, and now that we are all vaccinated, it is happening more and more frequently.

I’m not going to go into any great detail about our family time together, but for my own purposes and desire to remember where the heck I have been this year, I added this as a stop on our Utah trip.

This is what we did over those 4 days:

  • Herb and Andrew spend the entire first day with some father-son bonding over home maintenance
  • Tommy and Erin arrive
  • We all go to the Buttermilks to watch the boys and their wives/fiancées boulder
  • Afterwards I go for a short run on the lovely Bishop Creek canal near their house
  • Drinks at dinner at the Owens Valley Distillery in Bishop
  • We all go to Pine Creek Canyon to watch them sport climb
  • I go for a 5-mile run along the Bishop Canal
  • Tommy and Erin leave to go back home
  • The remaining four of us go the the Mountain Rambler Brewery for dinner
  • We drive home to Sonoma County

And that's a wrap. Great trip but it will be good to be back in Sonoma Valley too.

Bishop location map in "high definition"
